Up-To-Date Professionals
Mental health professions once licensed to practice are only required to complete a certain amount of Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) a year to maintain their licenses. There is no accountability for mental health professionals to keep up-to-date with the most current research in the area they claim to specialize in. There is also no monitoring to ascertain mental health professionals acquire their CEU’s in treatments shown to be most efficacious for alleviation of PTSD and/or associated symptoms. More often than not compliance measures are only in place for maintaining records yet few to no compliance measures for Evidence-based Treatments.
We focus on holding our clinicians accountable for getting trained in Evidence-based Treatments shown to alleviate PTSD and associated symptoms such as insomnia, nightmares, and suicide prevention. We also hold our clinicians accountable to providing treatments as research has shown the treatment to be most effective by the compliance monitoring measures we have in place.

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