Mr. Rodriguez has acquired over 30 years of clinical, inpatient and private practice experience working with adults and children. He utilizes (CBT) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. He also utilizes the modality of hypnotherapy combined with guided imaginary and progressive muscle relaxation to help reduce anxiety disorders.

Mr. Arcadio Rodriguez, LPC
15 YearsCore skills:
Working with bothchildren and adults
281 371 0360email:
[email protected]location:
722 Pin Oak Rd. #220, Katy, TX 77494Additionally Mr. Rodriguez has worked for over twelve years with (PTSD) post-traumatic stress disorders affecting patients who have been severely injured in industrial accidents and have sustained compensable injuries. He has experience with patients who have been traumatized in severe motor vehicle accidents. Mr. Rodriguez also worked over ten years with geriatric patients in a nursing home setting who suffer from depression, anxiety and dementia with behavioral disturbances.
Mr. Rodriguez also does evaluations for patients who are in immigration proceedings.
Mr. Rodriguez is a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. He states “how we process thoughts on a daily basis translates into behaviors.” So focusing on positive thinking on a daily basis is essential to exhibiting positive behaviors. Inclusive in all his therapy sessions he teaches patients how to put into practice the power of positive thinking. He teaches nine positive affirmations from years of listening to patient’s real life experiences. Mr. Rodriguez’s philosophy is “we all have the power within us to create our own reality. We can create a negative reality for ourselves or a positive one.” The choice is ours. He has written two booklets on the subject. One for adults’ Spanish edition. One especially for children English edition that can be used to teach children to be positive thinkers.
The National Science Foundation Found
As defined by the American Psychological Association, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy used by school psychologists to resolve disturbed emotions and dysfunctional behavior in students by acknowledging the role of human learning and the effects of the environment, cognitions, and language in disturbance. Negative thoughts affect feelings. Feelings affect choices. The outcomes of our choices reinforce thoughts. Thus the cycle continues. CBT aims to identify toxic thoughts at the root of our daily life that put us on an ill cycle.
Post-traumatic is defined by the US Mental Health Services Administration as a stress disorder (PTSD) that is real and develops when a person has experienced or witnessed a scary, shocking, terrifying, or dangerous event. These stressful or traumatic events usually involve a situation where someone’s life has been threatened or severe injury has occurred. Children and adults with PTSD may feel anxious or stressed even when they are not in present danger.